CfP: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing

I’ll participate in program committee of the 2012 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing.

The ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2012 is the third in a new series of symposia that brings together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners interested in cloud computing. Co-sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups on Management of Data (SIGMOD) and on Operating Systems (SIGOPS), SoCC 2012 will take place from October 14th-17th in San Jose, CA. For the first time, ACM SoCC 2012 is being held independently, recognizing the growing research fertility and societal/commercial importance of cloud computing. (SoCC was previously held in conjunction with the SIGMOD and SOSP).


Important dates are:

Abstracts due: June 8, 2012
Papers due (submit here): June 15, 2012
Accepted papers notified: September 3, 2012
Camera ready copy due: September 28, 2012
Conference: October 14-17, 2012
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